It’s been a busy year so far and the fact I’m writing the first article of 2024 in July highlights just that!
The Marching Division seems to go from strength to strength with the constant development of our drums at the forefront of what we do, but more about that later.

Mountbatten Festival of Music 2024

In 2022 we had an idea at BDC about whether we could get Nicko McBrain playing with the Royal Marines Band Service at their 2023 Mountbatten Festival of Music concert held at the Royal Albert Hall. After speaking with the Band Service we got the green light and they decided that the 3 tunes they would incorporate would be Trooper, Wasted Years & Run to the Hills and there would also be a 'Drum Off' between Nicko and the Corps of Drums at some point in the arrangement.
As you all know towards the end of 2022 Nicko suffered a TIA which made it impossible to perform at the event in 2023. However this wasn't going to stop Nicko and we decided to postpone the performance with the band until 2024.
Between this time Nicko recovered and went on tour with Iron Maiden which made sure he was in tip top condition for the first rehearsal in October with the Principal Director of Music, a few members of the Corps of Drums, and myself and Craig Buckley also in attendance. This was held at the Karma Sanctum in London.
It was at the meeting it was also decided that the whole performance would open up with the Aces High video intro. This was the only time Nicko and the RMBS got together before the rehearsals in Portsmouth 5 days before the first performance.
Below is Nicko's schedule for the day. What's interesting to note is that Nicko didn't spend a lot of time rehearsing with the band as they also had their own music to go through as well.
Day 1 - Rehearsals at HMS Nelson with Nicko & Corps of Drums PM
Day 2 - First play through with band at HMS Temeraire
Day 3 - Top & tail pieces AM / PM full timed run through
Day 4 - Travel Day - Relocate to London
Day 5 - Rehearsals AM / PM Full Dress Rehearsal
Day 6 - Show 1 PM
Day 7 - Show 2 Matinee / Show 3 PM
The performance was a huge hit with the audience and even saw members of Iron Maiden in attendance on the Friday night.
If you've not see the performance yet then click here to see the official footage.
Legacy of the Royals

After it was confirmed Nicko would be performing with the Royal Marines Band Service we then had to decided on his kit, does he use his current "Future Past" kit or do we design him something extra special for one-of-a-kind event. In the end we went for the latter and decided each drum would have Eddie in a different Royal Marines uniform ranging from 1664 - the present day. Below is a list of the images on Nicko's kit
6" tom - Cross of Remembrance
8" tom - Jaguar Growler with RM Green Beret
10" tom - 1664 Birth of the Corps
12" tom - 1944 Commando
13" tom - 1805 Battle of Trafalgar
14" tom - 1983 Falklans Yomper
15" tom - 1970's Changing of the Guard
16 " tom - 2023 Commando
18 " Floor tom - 2019 RM Bugler
24" Bass Drum - RM crest (EIIR)
To find out more about the kit check out the YouTube links below:
Making of the Legacy of the Royals Drum Kit
It was also decided that after the performance, this kit would go up for auction raising funds for the Royal Marines Charity and the Grand Water Rats. The auction is live and will run until November when the Royal Marines Charity hold a Gala dinner at the Guildhall in London where the auction will end in the room.
The Auction prize package includes all British Drum Co drums & hardware, custom Hardcase® protective cases, a full set of Paiste Cymbals (including the ride cymbal that Nicko used on the Iron Maiden Future Past tour!) It also includes the 40"' hand-painted gong and heavy duty flight case!
You can find out more about the Royal Marines charity auction and how to bid on the drum kit here

Drums in Action
Recently we've had our drums being used on national stages.
Firstly we saw the Romford Royal British Legion band perform at the Challenge Cup Final in front of a crowd of over 64,000 people.
Next we saw the Royal Marines Corps of Drums who were at the centre of the UK’s national commemorations for D-Day 80 held in Southsea, Portsmouth.
Once again we saw the Lone Drummer from the Irish Guards beat the Drummers Call on Horse Guards Parade for the annual King's Birthday Parade Trooping the Colour.
June was also the month for Founders' Day at the Royal Hospital Chelsea and saw In-Pensioner Billy Knowles performing drum duties for the parade with Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal in attendance.
We've have also seen our drums make an appearance in Season 2 of Blue Lights which is a BBC drama about the Police Service in Northern Ireland.

Book Review
Well I never thought I'd find myself recommending books on here but when this one flew across my desk at BDC HQ i knew it would appeal to many people reading these marching blogs.
This new book is published by The Corps of Drums Society and contains approximately 400 photographs covering the period from the earliest use of photography in 1854, to the Coronation of King Charles III in 2023.
As well as a photographic record spanning 169 years, the book includes some of the Corps of Drums notable personalities, such as holders of the Victoria Cross, composers, Drum Majors and (rather surprisingly) the famous bandleader Billy Cotton and one of England’s finest classical composers, Ralph Vaughan Williams - seen on parade with an RAMC Corps of Drums during the First World War.
The book has been published using a generous bequest to the society. No profit will be made from its sale as the aim is to raise and maintain awareness of the heritage of drum and fife/flute music to help ensure its future survival.
The book is being sold for £15 inclusive of UK postage and packing. It can be ordered by e-mailing

Discontinuation of AXIAL
Discontinuation of Axial Pipe Band Drums for Innovation!
Yep, you read that right. We are going to discontinue the Axial Series drums as you know them for a newer, superior model.
Just as phone or car manufactures bring out newer models: we will be doing the same.
To read all about the change click here

Crown Copyright
As I bring this to a close I can't believe we're half way through the year and even more unbelievable is that England made the finals in Euro 24.
It may not have come home, but they certainly did the country proud!
Until next time,
Stay Safe!